artist showcase #6
I’m Flo, graphic designer and illustrator, still 31 and from Bavaria in the very south of Germany.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been drawing. First with my parents, then in schools, with freelance artists and finally at a school for design in Munich. I trained as a media designer at a publishing house, also in Munich, where I am now head of the graphics department.
In addition to this permanent position and everyday life with my two children, I draw mainly portraits and nudes, because I love people and their appearance. Since October 2021 now also in the NFT space and I love the freedom and the togetherness with so incredibly many wonderful people and artists here.
It also feels like I’ve taken my art years forward and developed it in that short time and I will not stop here!
Thinking back, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where and how we came across Flo and his collection of work.
We had been following the PORTRAYES for some time and when he popped into our Discord and enquired about purchasing one of our discord.1000 pieces, we were in disbelief!
The piece to your left is a homage to our own avril15 and was a real ‘holy hell’ moment for us as a project.
This was a piece of fan art that is too good to be a homage, to be a tribute, a piece of art that stands on it’s own two feet as a standalone piece of beauty.
Flo is an artist that we will be fanboying over for the entire time we are in the NFT space because we genuinely believe that he will continue to develop from strength to strength.
upcoming work
I started a series of four-eyed portraits here, the PORTRAYES, and their style has since evolved as well.
I try to combine my love for portraits, eyes, people and all sorts of (often nerdy) things in my art there. Each image reflects so much of myself that I often can’t believe how much can be packed into a simple piece of art.
In the series I also immortalize artists I admire as a homage, and my simple way of support so to speak, and also to give them a portrait of themselves as I see them and make them see how wonderful they are.
I will continue to work on this very intensively and whenever time permits.
I will also try to buy artworks of the wonderful artists in the NFT space and expand my own small collection.