daniel khan
artist showcase #14
daniel khan @daniel_khan_art
If I was to describe to you the relationship between myself and my art, I would tell you that I am creatively obsessed. Obsessed with detail. Obsessed with colour. Obsessed with narrative. And above all, obsessed with the ideology that every piece has the potential to represent some form of my evolution as an artist…
I am a Print Designer by day and a Digital Illustrator by night. Like many artists, I began drawing from a very young age and followed this through my education before building a career path in the luxury fashion industry. I got my first career break during a year living in Australia and have since worked for a variety of clients. Through this, I have contributed to multiple international runway collections and helped to create bespoke pieces for high profile clients such as Beyonce & Lizzo. It was along this pathway that I eventually specialised in Textiles Design and began nurturing my love of digital art.
My illustrations are all created using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, often collaging and sketching beforehand for reference. I would describe my aesthetic as highly detailed, usually with clean lines and always with a strong sense of optimism. I am always looking for new sources of inspiration and like draw from a range of reference points including comic books, optic art and dream-like surrealism.
Prior to joining WEB3, I had aways fought hard to identify myself as an artist in my own right. Although I have only been in the NFT world for a short time, the success I have experienced so far and the support I have received from this community have helped me immensely in my journey to self determination within the art world.
Back in May, we were cruising through Twitter when an image in hues of blue, green and turqoise jumped onto the screen, a man covered in butterflies. We instantly followed, shared and reached out to say hello as the art was remarkable. We tried to get Daniel in the showcase back then so it’s a pleasure to finally feature him!
When we ran our fan art competition, we didn’t ever expect the quality of entries so it speaks volumes about Daniel that his entry was voted as the best entry out of over 400 pieces, further soldyfying our opinion of him as one of the most exciting artists in this space.
His use of colour and textures stands alone in a space full of incredible artists, with each piece showing development and technique getting refined with the hours and passion spent on his work clear for all to see. We feel very blessed to have stumbled across Daniel so early in his NFT career.
daniel khan
I would like to take some time to focus on developing my 1:1 collections and continue striving for that perfect piece that will fulfil my creative needs… I actually hope I never reach that goal… The journey to getting there is way more interesting! I have also begun working with some of this space’s most gifted artists on very exciting projects that will be launching in the near future.
I am an artist who struggled to make a connection with my art through other platforms and so, I came into this space with the tunnel vision of growing an audience and developing my skills as an artist.
What I didn’t expect to find here were personal connections to the people I have met along the way.
As I often hear in this space, I came for the art but I stayed for the community…