artist showcase #1
These digital collages traverse years of my life experience and art-making explorations-they are an expression of me as I come to the moment I am making them.
Each piece is in some way a self-portrait, appropriately depicted in deep layers, every small part having an integral relationship to the whole.
With a few exceptions, the items and textures are derived from my own collections, photography and artwork. The digital textiles featured in my work are adapted from original mono prints.
My collection is slowly building as I find my new creative voice. I want to dive headlong into these cold rushing waters, blind and wild. At the same moment I want to find my pace and be patient.
Maybe l’Il do a little of both. I am ready.
Mizlif joined our Discord on the 12/02/2022 and very quickly became one the most wholesome, vibrant and engaged people that we have ever come across!
We hosted a fan art competition and this was the submission that Mizlif entered.
As soon as it was posted, we were texting each other in disbelief at the quality and detailed texture work, finding a new detail on every look.
“Flora and fauna burst forth, masks separate and shed, revealing the verdant, vibrant, abundance that has been growing inside.
She sprouts greenery and blooms analog TVs-filled with memories, lost connections, lore and self-reflection.
Upon close inspection, each screen reveals a scene, a story, a beforelife, a mini-multiverse.”
Mizlif is actively working on a collection of 1:1 digital collages due to be woven into a body of work.
Creating artwork from textile experiments, all adapted from original prints and photographs,
Mizlif keeps pushing and processing, layering effects, tools, programs, colours, until never? Her imagination is limitless and she holds it dear.
Dreaming of designing textiles for the metaverse, this is an artist that has only begun in the NFT space.
“Textures add more depth, more interest, a reference to physical experience. In my digital textiles, the patterns move, play and interact.
They change when they “dress” a subject. They keep me curious and driven to keep creating.”